What is Email Marketing? Step By Step guide

Email Markting and step by step guide

Email marketing has always existed, and for good reason. It is a straightforward and effective way to connect with your guidelines, feed, and respond to customers, by always winning on all other marketing channels.

In this guide, we will guide you through the process of setting up your advertising email so you can earn revenue and generate sales, 24/7.

email Marketing ? and where it begin

Email marketing is where you send a marketing email message to ‘your email subscribers’ – your contacts who subscribe to your email list and give explicit permission to receive email communications from you.

Email marketing is used to inform, drive sales, and build the community around your product (e.g. through newsletter).

Today’s email marketing is based on the input of the same size for all bulk messages and instead focuses on approval, segmentation, and customization.

The first email, sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971 or 1978 depending on your source, marked the beginning of the modern era of communication. The message was not something special, a series of numbers and letters that looked like a password rather than a message, but its value was great.

An email was sent from one computer to another, via a network of equipment unlike the Internet we know today. Tomlinson also introduced the “@” symbol to global email addresses.

Gary Thuerk, Marketing Manager at Digital Equipment Corp, sent the first sales email years ago when the message reached a list of email addresses. And voila, email marketing was born. There were only a few hundred people on the list, but that was enough for Tuerk to look for a dress, “Spam’s Dad.”

Today, we’re full of email marketing campaigns, and yes, some of them still feel spam, but there is no denying the impact a well-executed message can have on your customers – not to mention CRM and lead care.

Email marketing helps you connect with your audience to promote your product and increase sales. You can do a lot of things via email, such as selling products, sharing certain stories, improving your cart departure or telling a story.

With the Sendinblue/Mailchimp campaign builder, it’s easy to find the right email templates for any message – whether you’re welcoming new subscribers, informing customers about a sale, or wishing someone a happy birthday.

How does it works

When you want to communicate something about your product or sell your products, email marketing is one of the least expensive ways to do that.

In fact, a 2015 study by the DMA found that for every $ 1 spent, email has a median $ 38 return on investment (ROI). When customers or people are ready to buy something, they often look for emails from their favorite stores. I have my personal experience I checked many emails.

Still, people get a lot of emails all the time, and it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. That’s why Sindinblue gives you the tools you need to shine (and, we have a lot of tried and true tips on sending outstanding emails) and improve effective email marketing campaigns. Check out our email marketing statistics by industry to find out more about email marketing

The Importance of Email Marketing

We’ve put together the biggest question, what is email marketing, but we never went into why email marketing is so important to your business. Let’s talk about that now.

Aside from the rise of social media and unwanted email marketing (which is not a good marketing strategy, by the way), email remains the most effective way to increase leads and increase customer loyalty.

There are many reasons to make email marketing one of the priorities, but here are the top three:

  1. Email is the # 1 communication channel. Did you know that at least 99% of consumers check their emails every day? That cannot be said of any other communication channel.
  2. You are the owner of your list. On any social media platform, your account (and all your followers and posts) can be suspended or deleted at any time, for any reason, without notice. However, you are the owner of your email list. No one can remove those tracks.
  3. Email changes just fine. People who buy email marketing products use 138% more than those who do not receive email offers. In fact, email marketing has an ROI (return on investment) of 4400%. That’s great! And if you are wondering if social media is changing better, consider again: the average email order value is at least three times that of social media.

Email is simply the best way to make sales online. Now that you know the importance of email marketing, let’s learn the best ways to do it.

How do I get an email list?

You will see a higher ROI when you create and maintain a list of subscribers involved, compiled by people who want to receive your messages (and choose to log in intentionally). While building a clean list can take a lot of work at the beginning of your email marketing strategy, the Mailchimp list has tools designed to help you along the way.

There are many ways to find people who will look forward to receiving your emails, but we’ve collected a few that work best.

Creating an email list:

  • Create a sign-up form on your website. When people first come to your website and like what they see, they will look for ways to stay informed about your product. Create a news subscription form and enter a pop-up to collect customer data for your visitors.
  • Use an old registration sheet. Whether it’s at your brick and mortar store, or an event you are hosting or attending, where you are surrounded by people doing it, give them a place to sign up and learn more.
  • Call to subscribe using social media. If you do not have a large email list (or would like to see it grow), but find the following social media sources, tap on that source. Share your subscription form on your social channels.

To add more subscribers to the existing list:

  • Hold a contest or offer a discount. We are a big fan of giving people the motivation to sign up for your email list – and we know that competitions work. Try giving away a lucky new registrar prize or a discount code for the first purchase.
  • Make your emails easy to share. When you create beautiful, compelling emails, a lot of important information people will want to share. Mailchimp provides you with features (like share buttons and social media builders) that allow the name in your emails to spread quickly.
  • Create a landing page with Mailchimp. Landing pages offer one more way to grow your email list. Using your beautiful image and content, landing pages give people a clear call to action and drive an email sign-up process, at the top.

Can I buy an email list?

No. You should not purchase an email list (and if you use Sendinblue / Mailchimp, you cannot use the email list you purchased).

The purchased list does not work, and it affects everyone who uses Mailchimp, too. If you send emails to a list of people whose contact details you have purchased, most emails will be identified as spam and you will receive higher opt-out rates. Some email spam filters will mark an email campaign if anyone with the same IP has sent spam in the past. When you use Mailchimp, your email is delivered by our servers, so if one person sends you spam, it may prevent other users’ emails from accessing inbox. But by banning Mailchimp users from using purchased lists, we are increasing the distribution of everyone.

That’s why we work with precautions to keep our posting reputation complete, and it’s important that all users adhere to our Terms of Use, which enforce anti-spam laws. There are 3 main rules you must follow to comply with the Terms of Use.

Do not use a third party list. This includes a list of purchased or rented emails, and a list removed from third-party sources, including public websites.

Get permission. Everyone on your list should have chosen to receive emails from you, and their consent should be displayed and verified. If you use one of our subscription options, we track this permission.

Add an opt-out link. Federal anti-spam laws require you to give people a way to unsubscribe from all your campaigns. We require you to use our opt-out link.

Growing Your Email List:

What most people do when they want to build an email list is to put an opt-in form on their website and hope that people are subscribing.

To grow your email list, you need to attract people with a compelling or attractive gift. You need a magnetic field.

A lead magnet (a.k.a optin bribe) is a good thing you give for free to exchange an email address. The main attraction is digital content such as PDFs, MP3 audio files, or videos that you can create at a low cost or at no cost.

It can be anything you want, as long as it gives value to your guests for free.

Some popular lead magnet examples are:
  • ebooks
  • A cheat sheet of tips or resources
  • White papers or case studies
  • A webinar
  • Free trials or samples
  • A free quote or consultation
  • Quizzes or a self-assessment
  • A coupon

The possibilities are endless!

What Makes a Good Lead Magnet?

But if you want your magnet to work properly, here are 5 ways to keep it in mind:

  1. Easy to use: Lead magnets only work when the audience is using them, so if you submit a 300-page announcement, you will not get a draw.
  2. Possibility: Leading magnets need to provide useful tools, skills, or useful information that your audience can use.
  3. Creates significant improvements: People continue to buy products and services if they work well. Your leading magnet will thrive if it’s important as your products and services.
  4. Appropriate: If you have done your homework about your hopes, you will not have a problem coming up with a leading magnetic topic that solves problems.
  5. Available immediately: People like to satisfy themselves quickly, so give it right away. Check out 4 Ways to Bring a Leading Magnet to see how easy it is to get your lead magnet out there using OptinMonster.

Let’s take a look at a few of the best email marketing examples from real-life campaigns.

How to Create an Optin Form that Converts

The purpose of your optin form is to convey the maximum benefit of your lead magnet, so your website visitors sign up for your email in order to receive a leading magnet.

To create a dynamic entry form, it needs to have the following features:

  1. Main article: Make sure your article clearly describes the great benefits of your leading magnet
  2. Useful explanation: Is your explanation short, clear, and concise? Use bullet points or numbers to help the reader’s eye quickly scan what they will find.
  3. Attractive visuals: Insert a leading magnet image if you can (such as a compilation of your eBook). An image of someone looking towards the optin form and is a great way to encourage conversion. We have a great list of content creation tools that can help you create amazing views.
  4. Simple form: Don’t try to ask for more than the first name and email address. Asking for too much information soon will kill your conversion.
  5. Optional signup button: Make sure you use a different color for your sign-up button, so it appears on the page. Also, use an unusual email copy that lets people click right away (“Send me 7 steps!”).

For more tips on creating the most flexible entry form, check out our checklist for creating the final entry form.

Once you have created your login form, you will need to submit it to your site. There are the 14 most flexible places to submit your entry form:

  • Splash page
  • Welcome gate
  • Floating bar
  • Your site’s header
  • Blog archive page
  • Within your blog posts
  • Your sidebar
  • In a timed lightbox popup
  • In a scroll box
  • Your footer
  • Your About page
  • Resource pages
  • On a designated sign-up page
  • In an exit-intent popup

Also Read our previous posts about content marketing

Choosing The Best Email Marketing Service

Before you can send an email to anyone, you need 2 things:

Their permission
Business email set

If you started with optin, you got that permission, so hooray! If you have not used optin, we do not recommend sending marketing emails to them unless you have permission.

You are risking marking your emails as spam. So they will not only buy from you, but you may face negative consequences.

Instead, you can use a tool like OptinMonster to create smart optin forms. You can collect leads with subscribers who want to receive your marketing emails.

After that, you need to select an email service provider. These providers provide you with the right infrastructure for sending broadcast and multiple business emails.

If you send more emails without this, it will be marked as spam. Your subscribers will not receive your emails, and worse, your regular emails to your team and customers will also be affected.

Email service providers handle all the formalities and expensive technologies involved. All you have to do is sign up and use their app.

1. Constant Contact

Constant Contact Email Marketing Tools

Continuous Communication is one of the largest and most advanced marketing services in the world. They allow you to manage your subscribers and create professional email designs with templates and drag and drop editing tools.

Constant Contact for free for 60 days. After that plans start at $ 20 / month.

You can also send default emails to new subscribers using Constant Contact Lists.

2. Sendinblue

Sendinblue Email Marketing Tools

Sendinblue is not only a complete business email marketing software, but also an SMS marketing software. And it’s all in an easy-to-use advertising platform with drag and drop tools that you can use to create more effective emails, create automated workflows, and segment users.

You can send up to 300 emails a day for free by signing up for Sendinblue. Paid plans start at $ 25 / month and you can add to SMS at an additional cost depending on your shipping needs.


Drip Email Marketing Tools

Drip is an automated marketing tool that allows users to create complex automated flow and conditional statements within email messages. Campaigns, workflow, and causes are well organized and Drip is as simple or complex as you need it to be. Building a list and earning a living is very easy using Drip.

Drag plans start with Basic at $ 49 / month up to $ 2,500 subscribers and Pro at $ 99 / month up to 5,000 subscribers, both with a 14-day trial period. Business users (5,000+ subscribers) need to get a rating

4. AWeber

AWeber Email Marketing Tools

AWeber is another popular email marketing service that offers a variety of tools like autoresponders, components, email builders, and more. They offer excellent customer support, and you can send highly targeted emails using Aweber Lists.

Pricing starts at $ 19 / month (and there is a free 30-day trial.)

5. ConverKit

Convrtkit Email Marketing Tools

ConvertKit is an excellent choice for beginners but you know you will need some advanced features in the future, such as heavy autoresponders (which you can easily do using ConvertKit Tags). It’s like a CRM tool, with the exception of the heavy price tag.

ConvertKit is intended for professional bloggers, writers, and speakers.

Pricing starts at $ 29 / month for up to 1,000 subscribers and goes up and down from there.

6. Mailchimp

Mailchimp Email Marketing Tools

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing software. Good for beginners, as it is easy to set up and provides a clear user interface. You can also add new subscribers to certain categories using Mailchimp Groups.

Mailchimp has a free plan for up to 2,000 subscribers making it a free email marketing service.

However, if you want to use autoresponders or another powerful feature, you will need to switch to a paid system. Paid plans start as low as $ 10 / month and can go up to $ 30 for 2,500 subscribers. The larger your list size, the more you will pay.

7. MailerLite

MailerLite Email Marketing Tool

MailerLite lets you create responsive and responsive emails with a built-in A / B test feature. You can also send targeted emails to specific subscribers.

You can start for free with a list of up to 1,000 subscribers.

In addition to the providers listed above, you can also refer to ActiveCampaign or HubSpot, which is a complete suite of marketing tools.

Once you have your sign-up form and your email marketing service, you’re ready to start building your email list and making sales!

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